Thursday, 27 October 2011

An exciting parcel arrives

Tonight the Sock Lady came home with a huge parcel. The Sock Creatures were all very curious to find out what was inside. The Sock Lady told them it was a surprise for the Kitty Kats. They hurried over to have a look. 

First to be pulled out of the box was a bed, that the Sock Lady will probably use to display the Shabby Eared Dogs

The Kitty Kats thought they would test it out anyway! 

They then went to see what else was in the box.

They weren't sure exactly what it was, but they loved the colour and it felt soft to stroke. 

The Sock Lady said that she needed to build it, and they could play with it once it was ready. The Kitty Kats wanted to help. 

Once the Sock Lady had finished building the activity tree, the Kitty Kats went to play. 

Lemmie & The Canterbury Toy Shop

Lemmie has had lots of fun this month as his new family have launched their new online toy store, The Canterbury Toy Shop. As the toys started arriving, Lemmie couldn't wait to try them out. 

Lemmie, I think that's where the balls are supposed to go in the

Lemmie loves the wooden dinosaurs 

The Brio Train is fab

But this is Lemmie's favourite. He can just sit back and relax while he gets pulled along with the 'Pull along Dog'

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Spots also gets ready for Movember

It would seem that Spots the Sock Bunny is also all set for Movember. His owner sent me this photo of him at the weekend, sporting a rather funky tash. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sock Man is growing a moustache

This November, Sock Man will be taking part in Movember, where men all around the UK stop shaving and grow moustaches to raise awareness and money for men's health charities, including The Prostate Cancer Charity. Beginning on the 1st November, I will start taking daily photos of the hair growth, and update readers of my other blog, on his progress. If you would be interested in supporting Sock Man by donating, please check out his Movember page here

Monday, 24 October 2011

Shhh, it's a surprise!

Today after a lunchtime search on the internet, the Sock Lady not only found a suitable bed, but also found something the Kitty Kats will love being displayed on even more. She can't wait to show them when it arrives. 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Skittles & the new bed

With Christmas on the way, and some Christmas fairs booked, the Sock Lady has started thinking about her display. It is very important that she displays the Sock Creatures right if she wants them to be given loving new homes. She has been thinking for a while now about a cat bed for the Kitty Kats to sleep on. Sunday morning seemed like a good time to begin the search, and with a little help from new Kitty Kat, Skittles, Sock Lady switched her laptop on..........

Skittles: "I quite like that one on the radiator, we'll keep nice and warm there"
Sock Lady:
"It does look very nice, but I need something I can lay on a table"

Skittles: " I love this tunnel, we could play hide & seek in here"
Sock Lady: "But if you are hiding then the customers won't see you!" 

Skittles: "What about this teepee bed?"
Sock Lady: "I love that, so does Sock Man, but I don't think the customers would be able to see you clearly in there"

Skittles: "I want to be that cat, snuggles in a hood of fur"
Sock Lady: "Too small!"

Skittles: "Oooo a cat sleeping bag, how cosy!"
Sock Lady: "It does look cosy"

Skittles: "That just looks a little creepy"
Sock Lady: "Yes I agree. Let's keep on looking"

Sock lady decided to wait and have a look for a new bed in town instead! 

Thursday, 20 October 2011

New arrivals

Check out the latest Sock Creatures to emerge from Sock Creature HQ








Sunday, 16 October 2011

Meet Brioney the Buggle & Paul the Pirate

Latest additions to the shop 

Patrick & Maisie are looking for a new home

After their recent trip to France, Patrick & Maisie are desperate for new adventures. The Sock Lady is very busy now, making new creatures for Christmas, and so a new home is required. Sock Creations are going to send them to the home of one of the Facebook fans in our upcoming prize draw. Pop over to our Facebook page now to find out more. 

Friday, 14 October 2011

Ted is off to Disneyland Paris

The Sock Lady was very excited this evening to find out that Ted the Sock Creature was going on holiday to Disneyland Paris. Ted, who lives with his new owner Lottie, was photographed on the train, and looking very excited. 

Seeing Ted so excited reminded Sock Lady about when she went to Disneyland Paris, back in 2007. Here she is below with Sully from Monsters Inc, and also with Minnie Mouse. 

Sock Lady is wondering which characters Ted will get to meet, and hopes he returns with more photos of his adventures. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

All packed and ready to go

Dolly the Sock Bunny is all packed and ready to travel to her new home in Norfolk. 

Hope she has lots of fun adventures in her new home. 

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Trip to France - One last photo

Sock Lady with The Sock Creatures

Trip to France - The Journey Home

On Saturday morning it was time to pack up the car and begin the long journey home. Sock Lady made sure that they had some crisps to nibble on in the car and then they started the 4 hour drive up to Le Havre to catch the evening ferry. 

They arrived at the port at 1.30pm, and parked up the car while Sock Lady & Sock man went to get a drink. The Sock Creatures were fast asleep in the car, so Sock Lady left them to sleep while she went to find a nearby cafe. When they got back to the car, it was almost time to get into line to go through the ticket gate. The Sock Creatures kept watching to see when the cars in front would start moving. 

After what seemed like a very long wait, they were finally allowed to board the ferry. The Sock Creatures wanted to go out on deck, but the lady on the loudspeaker said that the crossing was going to be rough and that nobody was going to be allowed out on deck as it was unsafe. Sock Lady said they could go and sit next to the window instead. So they sat there, and watched the sea until it got dark. 

Trip to France - Thursday & Friday

Not a lot happened on Thursday & Friday for the Sock Creatures. 

On Wednesday night, Sock lady & Sock man went out for dinner with some French friends. Sock man drank lots of alcohol and was very drunk when he came home. Sock Lady had to put him to bed, and he was so noisy that the Sock Creatures got woken up. The next morning, they were so tired that they decided to stay in bed while Sock Lady & Sock man went to St Malo for the day. It was very windy at St Malo, so the Sock Creatures decided they had made the right decision to stay behind, as they didn't want to be blown about. 

On Friday Sock Lady & Sock Man went to the Supermarket to stock up on wine & French biscuits. They filled up the car boot with lots of yummy treats to take home. In the Supermarket, the Sock Creatures saw lots of strange foods that they had never tasted before. They also had a look to see if there were any nice socks that Sock lady could use to make into new Sock Creatures. 

That night they all had fish & chips for tea from the English fish & chip shop that had opened in a nearby village.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Trip to France - Wednesday (part 2)

After lunch, sock man & sock lady said that Patrick & Maisie had been so good that they could go to the park. The park was just outside the town of Vitre and had a big pond in the middle of it. Sock lady said said that they needed to be very careful as she didn't want any sock tragedies! They had lots of fun running around the park. They saw a deer in a little house, and some doves in a big cage. They played on the slide and the climbing frame, and had a go on a seesaw. On the way back to the car they saw lots of herbs that were planted in the park. These reminded them of the herbs that grew in the garden back at home.

Trip to France - Wednesday (part 1)

On Wednesday the sock lady and sock man went to visit the town of Vitre again. This time they took Pirate Parker & Maisie the sock creatures with them. They walked around the old narrow windy streets, looking at lots of lovely things in shop windows. After their walk they went to a cafe for lunch. Sock lady let the sock creatures have some of her chips, but the best bit was when sock man let them have a little sip of his cider, which was served in what looked like a teacup.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Trip to France - Tuesday

Tuesday was another day where sock lady went out without the sock creatures. This time she visited a French market in a town called La Guerche. It was very busy, and sock lady was pleased that the sock creatures had chosen to stay at home as it was very busy, and she didn't think they would have liked seeing rabbits for sale for eating! They would have liked seeing the log man on the plant stall though.

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