Sunday 9 October 2011

Trip to France - The Journey Home

On Saturday morning it was time to pack up the car and begin the long journey home. Sock Lady made sure that they had some crisps to nibble on in the car and then they started the 4 hour drive up to Le Havre to catch the evening ferry. 

They arrived at the port at 1.30pm, and parked up the car while Sock Lady & Sock man went to get a drink. The Sock Creatures were fast asleep in the car, so Sock Lady left them to sleep while she went to find a nearby cafe. When they got back to the car, it was almost time to get into line to go through the ticket gate. The Sock Creatures kept watching to see when the cars in front would start moving. 

After what seemed like a very long wait, they were finally allowed to board the ferry. The Sock Creatures wanted to go out on deck, but the lady on the loudspeaker said that the crossing was going to be rough and that nobody was going to be allowed out on deck as it was unsafe. Sock Lady said they could go and sit next to the window instead. So they sat there, and watched the sea until it got dark. 

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