Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Patrick & Maisie's Christmas Adventure (Entry no.4)

This entry comes with 15 photos and a fab story

Patrick and Maisie had a very busy night ahead of them! ...

They had lots of snow to shovel...

Patrick got a bit carried away and almost caught Maisie in a snowball!!!....

Maisie tried to scrape all the snow off the car but...

There was just too much so they decided to go on the sledge instead...

When they got home they had lots to do, they hadn't wrapped anything yet so they got stuck in...

Patrick filled the stockings...

Then they both decorated the tree...

There wasnt many days left till christmas now...

By then end of the day they were so tierd,they sat down with a nice glass of mulled wine by the candlelight when ..... THUD....

Santa had got stuck in the chimney!!! Patrick and Maisie pulled him by his legs untill they finally got him out....

Santa was so tierd, he lay down and had a little rest...

Patrick and Maisie were worn out so they hung their little stockings on the end of the bed and tried to get some sleep, but they were so excited as it was christmas the next day !!!...

Santa secretly popped back to give them both a big hug to say thankyou for helping him out of the chimney...

Merry Christmas !!!x

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