Sunday 19 February 2012

Time flies......

.....when you're busy with work and home life. When life gets busy, something has to give, and sadly in my case it's always the Sock Creatures that suffer. Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever sell enough creatures to make it a full time venture, and so this is going to happen time and time again.

Today is one of those Sundays where I feel like combining relaxing with pottering around the house and getting a few little jobs done. One of the jobs I have in mind is to tidy up Sock Creature HQ and sort the small amount of stock I have left from Christmas. Ideally, January should have been a time to re-stock, but as I said earlier, life gets in the way. I have some new ideas for this year, so hopefully I'll be able to find some time soon to try them out and bring you all some new creations.

In the meantime I would like to thank all my fans who still visit my facebook page, and read my blog despite my absence and lack of posting. I promise to try and keep up with regular posting this year.

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