Sunday 19 May 2013

Keeping Busy

So I've just checked in on the blog thinking it was only a few months since I last posted here. I'm absolutely horrified to discover it's been over a year! And what a busy year it's been. About this time last year I was feeling a bit queasy, and in the days that followed, I discovered that there was a Sock baby in the making. Fast forward a year and my little 3 month old Sock baby is  fast asleep in her bouncy chair while I, the Sock Lady, try and get back on track with business. 

If you didn't arrive here via it, you may be pleased to hear we now have a live website, Please check it out and let us know what you think. 

I was also disappointed to discover that the app we were using to power the facebook store has ceased to exist, so we are currently without a store to trade from. I am hoping this can be rectified quickly as I try and get busy with new creations. 

Hope to be back soon to share new things, but for now, if you've not already seen her, here's my little Sock Baby.....

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